Our Spiritual Objective
While we appreciate the believer’s faith, we realize that it is not enough to just believe in God (James 2:24).
Soul & Body Objective
The Helper Ministries International is aware of the needs of the human soul and body.
Support to Churches & Ministries
We support churches and ministries in difficulties through individual and group Spiritual Empowerment sessions.
Our Spiritual Objective
The Great Commission is not to go and make believers, but to “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20).
The Helper Ministries International is all about making disciples of Jesus the Christ. We do so through Evangelizing, Bible teaching (Bible classes, seminars, and workshops) & preaching, as well as Culturally sensitive Christian Counseling (individual, family, marriage).
Soul & Body Objective
The Helper Ministries International is aware of the needs of the human soul and body. This is taken care of through Christian fellowship encounters, recreational activities such as performing arts, physical exercise, health seminars, and Christian Counseling (individual, family, marriage).
Support to Churches and Ministries
We support churches and ministries in difficulties through individual and group Spiritual Empowerment sessions. These sessions consist of providing support that empowers individuals or groups of individuals to make informed decisions for themselves based on the unfailing Promises of God and Prayer
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. We believe that faith in action produces results.