Citizen Participation Form
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. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under the Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2 (NSP2) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. The NSP2/CDBG will invest funds that will revitalize targeted neighborhood(s) and reconnect those targeted neighborhoods with the economy, buy viagra prescription housing market, and social networks of the community and city area as a whole; and support projects that optimize economic activity and the number of jobs created or retained or that will provide other long-term economic benefits.
Helper Ministries International, illness Incorporated is expecting $13,853,750.00 for the project that will be used for housing and creating jobs in the Brooklyn, Queens and Manhattan, New York areas. Please respond before July 17, 2009.
To respond, please CLICK HERE (MS WORD or PDF) to download the form and email it to or fax to ( 718) 858-9734.
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