Poverty Reduction
In line with the holistic (the whole person) vision of Helper Ministries International’s, we provide technical and financial support to persons with a proven record of entrepreneurial endeavors.
In 2007, we were blessed to provide such support to Sister Sapia Emm (not her real name) of Cameroon. For a long time, this single mother of one had desired to own her own small business of imported body lotions and other cosmetics, but was unable to, due to lack of funds. She also wanted to expand her farming activities, and register for training in Basic Computer Literacy. Her goal was to become financially independent, better take care of her son, and also help those less fortunate than herself
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Thanks to a HMI grant and technical support, her dreams have become a reality. See pictures below.
Faisalabad, find Pakistan
MAY 18-24, 2008
Pastor Mengue and Evangelist Nellie Hardy flew to Pakistan on May 17th, 2008. The trip was wonderful, filled with miraculous occurrences. They returned safely with a profound and unforgettable impression of the great things the LORD had done during this mission. The purpose of the mission was to encourage Christian leaders in the city of Faisalabad, and to minister to the Christian Community at large, through teaching, counseling, and healing.
The Leadership Conference was organized and hosted by Life Changers Ministries (Pastors Hanook and Nadeem), together with other local churches with their pastors and other church leaders. This conference was equally attended by men and women of all age groups.
This was a great opportunity to sow into the personal lives and ministries of pastors, and other leaders, as well as church believers. A total of 350 pastors and 150 members participated in the conference. All participants were intensely attentive and enthusiastically receptive. Many shared their decision to apply the lessons learnt from the teachings of the conference. One particular young man shared his decision to go full time into ministry. Others shared some of the ways in which the teachings and the Holy Scriptures inspired them for their future endeavors. Those with ministry and/or business vision were prayed for and openly manifested their joy through loud praise and worship.
Many were delivered from demonic oppressions (ex: black magic, depression, addictions, etc.), mental and physical diseases. Two elderly sisters who had sustained spinal injuries were able to walk again without crutches or cane. Many (at least three testimonies) who had suffered from mental illness and demonic oppressions for many years were delivered. One young man testified to having been delivered from the demons of alcoholism. At a local church, a young lady who had been tormented by a demon of mental illness for nine years gave her testimony. To GOD be all the glory and praise!!!
Individual and family counseling was also provided after, and between, services. Many youths were inspired and encouraged. Many more (hundreds) men and women were ministered to in two local churches. Helper Ministries International provided funding for all logistics (air tickets for the team, facility, car rental, meals, necessary drinking water due to extreme heat, etc.) Most work was done by Church volunteers, but others (translator, photographer, cameramen, driver, musicians, etc.) were paid.
The needs of the local church, especially in the area of education, healthcare, and spiritual & economic development were obvious. Request for our continuous support was clearly expressed by the leaders. What a privilege to be a part of this divinely ordained endeavor! Glory to the King of Glory!!!
First Day of the African Child celebration organized by AAA in a village of Cameroun
Book Two
Since the revolt of Soweto (South Africa) on June 16, 1976, Africa’s children have shown their ability to take part in the improvement of the quality of life of their community. The revolt of Soweto is part of the fight against Apartheid. More specifically, it presents the educational aspects of this fight. Indeed, it is the refusal to be educated in the Africaans language, which was the language of oppressors then! To express their rejection of the Africaans language, the children transformed their schools into freedom and human rights debating centres. They insisted on the abolition of Apartheid and the release of Nelson Mandela their symbol of freedom. During this revolt, many African children died. 800.000 of them were sent to prison. There were in fact more children in prisons than in schools. The United Nations consequently declared a state of emergency, which initiated the process leading to the liberation of Mandela and his election in 1994 as the first African President.
It is based on these facts that the Organization of African Unity (OAU) today African Union – which is the continental structure bringing 53 African countries together, with its headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – decided (1991) to devote June 16th of each year to African children. This day does not only commemorate the revolt of Soweto, it also ensures that young Africans are equipped with values and knowledge that enable them to face the future with confidence. In our country Cameroon, there is a Youth Parliament. This Parliament consists of youth elected by their peers in various schools of the country. These elected youth meet in Yaoundé for a week just before the celebration of the Day of the African Child, to be trained and to present their analysis and evaluation of the situation in the country at the level of the National Parliament. The topic of this year insists on the participation of young people in the life of their schools and communities.
African Action on AIDS organizes training and brainstorming sessions that help visualize the future to mark the celebration of the Day of the African Child since 2006. For purely economic reasons, this day, until now, had never been organized out of Yaoundé, the capital of our country. This year, we decided to spend three days with you here in Ngalla for three main reasons: a) Your parents already show their desire to develop this village as a team and not in a dispersed manner. This is why they created the CVECA with which we work; b) The members of the CVECA are developing a partnership with the village of Monterey in the United States. This partnership makes it possible for the two communities to encourage the development of your village and it is partly through this partnership that we are able to organize this meeting; c) The development of a village does not depend only on adults or foreigners. It is also the business of the youth who are its future leaders. With the example of the children of Soweto, your active and positive contribution will improve life in your village.
Our objective is consequently to strengthen you so that this village never regresses:
a) By enabling you to know yourselves, your links with your family and your village – concretely you will fill your Birth Certificate.
b) AAA will help you understand AIDS and Malaria and how you can avoid contracting them.
c) AAA will help you be proud of your village by encouraging you to keep your own school clean – we will cut grasses, plant trees and flowers and sweep – When we are proud of our village, we want to keep it clean, to show it, we want to live there.
On the basis of these activities, AAA will help you visualize, create in your imagination the village of your dream. How will it be? Beautiful? Clean? With flies and mosquitoes or not? With potable water or not? With a happy or sad population? With a sick or healthy population? A proud population or people who think of themselves as perpetual victims? This dream will be captured by each and everyone in a form of painting entitled: CVECA OF NGALLA and surrounding villages WITHOUT AIDS AND MALARIA.