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God’s Righteousness or Self-Righteousness

From Luke 18:9-14

God’s Righteousness
  • Christ-centered
  • Sees self as unworthy
  • Thanks God for everything
  • Prays, cialis generic diagnosis seeking God’s will for everything
  • Relies on God for wisdom when things don’t go their way
  • Trust God for victory
  • Waits on God as long as necessary for breakthrough
  • Easily admits faults
  • Intercedes for the weak
  • Intercedes for the wicked
  • Turns the wicked over to God
  • Daily applies the principle of God’s grace and forgiveness to self and others
  • When too hard, here prays for strength to forgive those who hurt them
  • Seeks to help others: “What can I do for you?”
  • Uses religion as a source of spiritual and emotional support.
  • Self-centered
  • Sees self as deserving
  • Has a sense of entitlement
  • Prayer tends to be ritualistic
  • Worries a lot when things don’t go their way
  • Handles matters as wants, then prays it works
  • Manipulate their way to victory
  • Gets mad at God and blames Him and others when frustrated
  • Never admits faults
  • Looks down on the weak
  • Hates the wicked
  • Tries to handle the wicked themselves
  • Applies the principle of grace and forgiveness to self only
  • Applies the law of vengeance on other
  • Gets people to serve them: “What can you do for me?
  • Uses religion to cover sinful acts.

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